Ionic(ionicframework)一款接近原生的Html5移动App开发框架 会html css js就可以开发app,ionic 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。
ionic 1.1.1中 修复的Bug
browser: ios9 location patch (e5b85df)
ionContent: fix scroll sizing with native scrolling and pull-to-refresh (3ab9eaf)
ionRadio: fix adjacent selectors that break in iOS9 (11232d4)
ionSlideBox: prevent $animate from cause a delay when removing slides and slide-pagers (98ccc9d)
ios9: uiwebview patch (c2822e7)
popup: make popups play nice with other async popups (6101d4b)
ionic 1.1.1中新特性
meteor: add Meteor support (af1bfef)
navView: support ControllerAs syntax for ion-nav-views (a665d1d)