Headers are fixed regions at the top of a screen that can contain a title label, and left/right buttons for navigation or to carry out various actions.
Headers come in a variety of default color options:
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-light"><h1class="title">bar-light</h1></div>
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-stable"><h1class="title">bar-stable</h1></div>
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-positive"><h1class="title">bar-positive</h1></div>
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-calm"><h1class="title">bar-calm</h1></div>
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-balanced"><h1class="title">bar-balanced</h1></div>
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-energized"><h1class="title">bar-energized</h1></div>
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-assertive"><h1class="title">bar-assertive</h1></div>
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-royal"><h1class="title">bar-royal</h1></div>
<divclass="bar bar-header bar-dark"><h1class="title">bar-dark</h1></div>
ionic二级导航栏/Sub HeaderA secondary header bar can be placed below the original header bar. There are quite a few more ways to customize Headers. Have a look at Button Barsto get other ideas on how it could be used.<divclass="bar bar-header"><h1class="title">Header</h1></div><divclass="bar bar-subheader"><h2class="title">Sub Header</h2></div>Also, remember to include the has-subheader CSS class to your ion-content directive.
A secondary header bar can be placed below the original header bar. There are quite a few more ways to customize Headers. Have a look at Button Barsto get other ideas on how it could be used.
<divclass="bar bar-header"><h1class="title">Header</h1></div><divclass="bar bar-subheader"><h2class="title">Sub Header</h2></div>
Also, remember to include the has-subheader CSS class to your ion-content directive.